1) Always use a Registered Staffordshire Bull Terrier Breeder
If you’re looking to buy a Stafford, you should always plan to use a registered Staffordshire Bull Terrier breeder. This is the only way to guarantee you are getting what you pay for!
Stories abound of people who decided to try and save a few dollars because they were not going to show their dog – and bought an un-papered Staffordshire – and ended up with a dog completely different to what they expected. I’ve even heard stories where the so-called parents on show – were NOT even the REAL PARENTS!
Buying from a registered Staffordshire Bull Terrier Breeder gives you peace of mind AND the option of papers that certify your dogs lineage. Whether you decide to take the dogs papers or not is entirely up to you!
So you’ve got the message now then – ALWAYS USE A REGISTERED STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER BREEDER. AND don’t just take the word of the “nice” person that is selling you the pup that the dog is pedigreed!
2) Always ask to see the originals of the Pedigree papers for the parents or Pedigree papers and a Service Certificate if only the bitch is on view and was mated with a Stud dog from another breeder.
Check the Staffordshire Bull Terrier breeders documentation, including Kennel name and Prefix number and ensure that everything is up to date!
DON’T WORRY – if they are solid Staffordshire Bull Terrier Breeders, they won’t mind; in fact they will EXPECT you to check – if they do seem at all hesitant – it’s time to be very suspicious about the pedigree of that pup!
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Breeders follow breed standards that were established to check and maintain certain key characteristics that define how a Staffordshire Bull terrier looks and moves etc. This standard and the documentation that supports a dogs lineage, is your guarantee of purity – there is simply no other way to be certain!
3) Be on the look out for DEFECTS in your pup – using a registered Staffordshire Bull Terrier breeder ensures you are buying a dog with proven and traceable blood-lines, but a dog can still have defects.
Here’s the Breed Standard taken directly from the Book – A New Owners Guide to Staffordshire Bull Terriers by Dayna Lemke – (Page 26), it’s an international standard and is the same worldwide.
While it applies to a full grown dog, certain aspects of the Standard (eg colour, eyes, teeth etc) will also be visible in a pup.
The Official Standard of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Breeder General Appearance The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a smooth coated dog. It should be of great strength for its size and, although muscular, should be active and agile.
Size, Proportion, Substance Height at shoulder: 14 to 16 inches.Weight: Dogs, 28 to 38 pounds; bitches, 24 to 34 pounds, these heights being related to weights. Non-conformity with these limits is a fault. In proportion, the length of back, from withers to tail set, is equal to the distance from withers to ground.
Head Short, deep through, broad skull, very pronounced cheek muscles, distinct stop, short foreface, black nose. Pink (Dudley) nose to be considered a serious fault.
Eyes Dark preferable, but may bear some relation to coat colour. Round, of medium-size, and set to look straight ahead. Light eyes or pink eye rims to be considered a fault, except that where the coat surrounding the eye is white, the eye rim may be pink.
Ears Rose or half pricked and not large. Full drop or full prick to be considered a serious fault.
Mouth A bite in which the outer side of the lower incisors touches the inner side of the upper incisors. The lips should be tight and clean. The badly undershot or overshot bite is a serious fault.
Neck, Topline, Body The neck is muscular, rather short, clean in outline and gradually widening toward the shoulders. The body is close coupled, with a level topline, wide front, deep brisket and well sprung ribs being rather light in the loins. The tale is undocked, of medium length, low set, tapering to a point and carry rather low. It should not curl much and may be likened to an old-fashioned pump handle. A tail that is too long or badly curled is a fault.
Forequarters Legs straight and well boned, set rather far apart, without looseness at the shoulders and showing no weaknesses at the pasterns, from which the feet turn out a little. Dewclaws on the forelegs may be removed. The feet should be well padded, strong and of medium-size.
Hindquarters The hindquarters should be well muscled, hocks let down with stifles well bent. Leg should be parallel when viewed from behind. Dewclaws, if any, on the hind legs are generally removed. Feet as in front.
Coat Smooth, short and close to the skin, not to be trimmed or dewhiskered.
Colour Red, fawn, white, black or blue or any of these colours with white. Any shade of Brindle or any shade of Brindle with white. Black and tan or liver colour to be disqualified.
Gait Free, powerful and agile with economy of effort. Legs moving parallel when viewed from front or rear. Discernible drive from hind legs.
Temperament From the past history of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the modern dog draws its character of indomitable courage, high intelligence and tenacity. This, coupled with its affection for its friends and children in particular, its off-duty quietness and trustworthy stability make it a foremost all-purpose dog.
Disqualification Black and tan or liver colour
Approved November 14 1989 – Effective January 1, 1990 NOTE: there is also one little mentioned defect that a Staffordshire Bull Terrier breeder could neglect to tell you of – because though undesirable it is not a serious defect. The defect is called Short Toes.
4) Finally – ask to see any certification that the pup has been Vet Checked – again a proper breeder will expect this.
Follow these simple steps and you will be well on your way to owning a healthy certified Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy that will capture your heart!
Source by Steve Gaskin